
Some recent blog entries and threads of note: 1. Over at the blog An und für Sich, there has been a recent post regarding Moishe Postone’s fascinating and insightful thesis that Nazism (and historical anti-semitism in general) is a perverse … Continue reading

«РАСПАД города» (Бруно Таут)/“The DISINTEGRATION of the City”/Die Auflösung der Städte (Bruno Taut)

The disintegration of the city is a clear theory leading to the healing emancipation from the formalist chains of dogmatism, historicism, and eclecticism (whether or not it refers to the old or the new in the West). This disintegration is a consequence of and a parallel to the phenomenon of the liberation of the proletariat from the chains of capitalism. Continue reading

Ernst May, “City Building in the USSR” (1931)

From Das Neue Rußland, vol. VIII-IX.  Berlin, 1931: City Planning in Evolution If there is any one area of endeavor in the USSR where the Revolution is still in full motion, then city building and dwelling construction must be considered … Continue reading