“The Graveyard of Utopia: Soviet Urbanism and the Fate of the International Avant-Garde,” by Ross Wolfe (Section 1)

INTRODUCTION Comrades! The twin fires of war and revolution have devastated both our souls and our cities.  The palaces of yesterday’s grandeur stand as burnt-out skeletons. The ruined cities await new builders[…] To you who accept the legacy of Russia, … Continue reading

Excerpts from My Forthcoming Thesis

Much as Le Corbusier did by releasing snippets of his Toward an Architecture through his journal L’esprit Nouveau, co-published with the Purist painter Amédée Ozenfant, I plan to release excerpts from my forthcoming thesis here on my blog.  These are to be more … Continue reading

Richard Stites’ chapter “Utopia in Space: City and Building” from his book Revolutionary Dreams: Utopian Vision and Experimental Life (1981)

If there is truly a proletarian concept, it is the word “We.” — Anatoly Lunacharsky The Soviet government in the 1920s was the first in modern history to possess such mammoth power to design living quarters for its population; to determine … Continue reading

Moisei Ginzburg’s “The international front of modern architecture”

The installation of socialist construction, of a new society with different industrial and everyday relations, a society which is gathering momentum amidst our conditions — that is our trump card, the value of which is infinitely large. Continue reading

Moisei Ginzburg’s “Results and Prospects” (1927)

I can’t seem to find the original Russian anywhere on my hard-drive.  If anyone has access to it, I would really appreciate if they would forward it to me. [Originally published as «Итоги и перспективы».  Современная архитектура, 1927.  № 4/5.  с. … Continue reading

The Past that Wasn’t: International Modernism and the Palace of the Soviets

Much more later, but for now: First, an excerpt from El Lissitzky’s “‘Americanism’ in European Architecture” (1925): Europe is adopting American principles, developing them in a new way. From this point of view it is interesting that of the huge … Continue reading

«Москва «историческая» и социалистическая (Николай Ладовский)»/“Moscow, ‘Historical’ and Socialist” (Nikolai Ladovskii)

Из Строительство Москвы — (1930) — № 1 From Building Moscow — (1930) — № 1 [Pg. 17] Москва — столица СССР — стихийно растет и вопрос о необходимости уяснения сути этого роста и его организации для планировки Москвы является основным вопросом ее жизни. Понятие … Continue reading

Free PDFs of the German Avant-Garde Architectural Journal Wasmuths Monatshefte für Baukunst und Städtebau (1926-1931)

 The modernist movement was alive and well in interwar Germany.  Not only at the Bauhaus, which stood at the forefront of the avant-garde, under the leadership of Walter Gropius, Hannes Meyer, and Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe, but all over … Continue reading

“The Green City” of Moscow, 1930

Included in this post is the original issue of Building Moscow (Строительство Москвы), in which the general planning schemes for the proposed “Green City” of Moscow were submitted. Contributors to this competition included some of the premier architects and city-planners … Continue reading