“The Graveyard of Utopia: Soviet Urbanism and the Fate of the International Avant-Garde,” by Ross Wolfe (Section 1)

INTRODUCTION Comrades! The twin fires of war and revolution have devastated both our souls and our cities.  The palaces of yesterday’s grandeur stand as burnt-out skeletons. The ruined cities await new builders[…] To you who accept the legacy of Russia, … Continue reading

Catherine Cooke’s harsh (but correct) review of Hugh Hudson’s Blueprints and Blood: The Stalinization of Soviet Architecture, 1917-1937

Catherine Cooke, along with the Russian authors Selim Khan-Magomedov and Vladimir Paperny, was the greatest expert on the Soviet avant-garde whose works have appeared in English.  Unfortunately, she was killed in a driving accident back in 2004.  Her review here … Continue reading

«Москва «историческая» и социалистическая (Николай Ладовский)»/“Moscow, ‘Historical’ and Socialist” (Nikolai Ladovskii)

Из Строительство Москвы — (1930) — № 1 From Building Moscow — (1930) — № 1 [Pg. 17] Москва — столица СССР — стихийно растет и вопрос о необходимости уяснения сути этого роста и его организации для планировки Москвы является основным вопросом ее жизни. Понятие … Continue reading

Журнал Искусство (1923-1928) / The Journal Art (1923-1928) Full-Text PDFs

Not quite as revolutionary as the artists of VKhUTEMAS/VKhUTEIN, the  more conservative academicians at GAKhN did produce several noteworthy publications on art and literature in the 1920s.  Here are just a few of them, more later: Искусство (1923) No. 1 … Continue reading

Adolf Behne’s The Modern Functional Building (1926)

      Foreword Man’s primordial reason for building is to protect himself against the cold, against animals, against enemies.  He is driven by necessity: he would not build were it not for definite, compelling, urgent purposes.  His early buildings … Continue reading