Georgii Krutikov, The flying city / Георгий Крутиков, «Летающий город» (1928)

Georgii Krutikov’s “City of Aerial Paths of Communication” settled for nothing less than the domestication of the planet. Continue reading

Nikolai Sokolov, proposal for a resort hotel in Matsetsa (1928-1929)

Sokolov, a constructivist member of OSA, designed this hotel spa or resort for his final project in an architecture course taught by Aleksandr Vesnin. Continue reading

Soviet avant-garde models and sketches, 1922-1935

A collection of more than 200 images from the VKhUTEMAS-VKhUTEIN school of architecture. Continue reading

Ivan Leonidov: Artist, dreamer, poet

Since he first emerged on the architectural scene in the twenties, the name of Ivan Leonidov has acquired legendary status. Continue reading

The Stenberg brothers and the art of Soviet movie posters

“When we made posters for the movies, everything was in motion because in films, everything moves.” — Vladimir Stenberg Continue reading

Современная архитектура: Organ of architectural modernism in the Soviet Union, 1926-1930

Architects of OSA, who publish the very well-edited periodical SA, set themselves the task to achieve a communist architecture based on a functional, elementary construction. Continue reading

“Art is dead! Long live art!” — Mikhail Lifshitz on Karl Marx’s Philosophy of Art

Far from suppressing personal originality, communist society provides the only solid ground for an all­-sided development of personality. The shortening of the working day is its fundamental premise. Continue reading

Il’ia Chashnik, revolutionary suprematist (1902-1929)

Despite his early death, Chashnik remains one of Malevich’s most distinguished disciples and a memorable partisan of Suprematism. Continue reading