Noel Ignatiev, 1940-2019

Yesterday I learned that my friend and comrade Noel Ignatiev passed away. He’d been in poor health for some time, diagnosed with a rare form of gastrointestinal cancer that made it difficult for him to swallow properly or digest, but it still caught me off guard. A couple weekends ago I’d seen him at the Hard Crackers release party, which I’d gone to with my friends Kaspar, Arianna, Joseph, and Chelsea. Once a few contributors to the latest issue finished speaking, Noel got up there and gave a rousing summary of what the project is about.

To me, at least, he seemed in good spirits. About a year or so ago, after chatting frequently via social media, Noel asked for my number. We talked now and then over the phone, which I barely do with anyone anymore, where he explained to me his condition. But when I saw him at this event, he came off as lively and even optimistic. The doctors apparently had told him there was a good chance they could operate, since the rest of his body was quite strong. So hearing of his death last night came as a shock to me. What a shame we can’t have him around another decade or two.

Most people know Noel from his book How the Irish Became White, or from the journal Race Traitor that he helped edit back in the nineties and early aughts. Ignatiev was a pupil of Theodore Allen, whose epic treatise on The Invention of the White Race was a landmark in the field. Though deeply indebted to Allen, which he was always the first to acknowledge, he eventually broke with his former master. Against the emerging academic field of “whiteness studies,” Ignatiev fulminated that the point was not to study whiteness but abolish it.

Unfortunately, some of the concepts he helped to popularize took on a life of their own after working their way into liberal online discourse. None has been so abused as the notion of “white skin privilege,” which Ignatiev et al. never meant to function as some sort of individualized guilt complex. During an interview with Orchestrated Pulse, he told Vincent Kelley:

John Garvey and I began Race Traitor with the goal of breaking up the white race, as a contribution to working-class solidarity. We never used, endorsed or promoted identity politics; we railed against multiculturalism and “diversity”; we were scornful of those who wanted to preserve the “good aspects” of “white culture” or to “re-articulate” or “decenter” whiteness. We wanted nothing to do with the growing academic field of “whiteness studies.” We did share some vocabulary with individuals and organizations that were traveling on different roads to different places.

The most significant instance of this was the word “privilege.” In light of the political travesties that have developed under the term since, we wish we had differentiated ourselves more categorically from those who wanted to make careers in journalism, social work, organizational development, education and the arts, and who insist that the psychic battle against privilege must be never-ending; instead of challenging institutions they scrutinize every inter-personal encounter between black people and whites to unearth underlying “racist” attitudes and guide people in “unlearning” them. Hectoring people about their privileges was never our approach; it is an annoyance rather than a challenge.

Indeed, though he deftly avoided the question Kelley posed to him about the work of Adolph Reed, Noel told an online discussion group that he’d corresponded with Reed back in the mid-aughts. Reed eventually stopped responding to his repeated queries, so the dialogue sadly came to naught. Though he sympathized with Reed’s critique of identity politics, he feared (quite rightly) that all Reed was offering was warmed-over social-democratic trade unionism. Ignatiev identified far more with the left communist positions of Loren Goldner, who also contributed to Race Traitor.

Others adopted positions on race vaguely similar to Ignatiev’s, but he did not hesitate to criticize or distance himself from their work when they diverged. For example, he wrote a very harsh criticism of fellow STO veteran J. Sakai for his book Settlers: Mythology of the White Proletariat, which I reposted on my blog (this set off a fresh storm of controversy). More of his notes on Sakai can be accessed here. Ignatiev certainly appreciated the early work of David Roediger on The Wages of Whiteness, and wrote a favorable review of that book in 1992, but was less impressed by Roediger’s recent stuff on intersectionality.

He and I didn’t agree on everything, to be sure. Several months ago there was a thread in which he invoked Shlomo Sand’s book The Invention of the Jewish People, a text I generally find tendentious and specifically reject for the weight it accords to the so-called “Khazar hypothesis.” I let him know how I felt, and we argued a bit back and forth. Noel took it all in stride, though he felt others had been disrespectful in their tone towards him. That was the great thing about Noel, though: you could argue with him for hours, but he never held it against you as long as it was honest and never got personal.

When he addressed the small but packed backroom at Freddy’s Bar in Brooklyn two weekends ago, the gist of his remarks was that Marx ruthlessly criticized ideology, but he never wrote of its adherents as stupid or simply deluded. Rather, he spent countless pages investigating the material reasons that people believe the things they do, why they routinely act against their own objective interest. Usually, there is a very real logic at work in their misapprehension of reality; Frankfurt School theorists thus refer to ideology as a “socially necessary illusion.”

Outside, afterwards, I brought up the fascist myth of “the great replacement” — the paranoid nativist fantasy that foreigners and nonwhites are going to steal their jobs and women. As Noel indicated in his remarks, this is of course an ideological and irrational belief. However, it is rooted in a reality that fascists are all too willing to seize upon for their own advantage: under capitalism, the sad fact of the matter is that we are all radically replaceable. Liberals would prefer to deny this reality outright, but communists must recognize the truth that fascists twist into falsehood.

Noel couldn’t stick around too long after the event, as he had to drive back to Connecticut, so it was a short conversation. Just two weeks later, he’d be gone. Was still doing it till the end, though. RIP, comrade. Hard Crackers will endure as a testament to your memory.

Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.

24 thoughts on “Noel Ignatiev, 1940-2019

  1. Pingback: Schumer’s Praise of Islamophobe Peter King Is What’s Wrong With the Democrats | e-Radio.USa

  2. Just imagine the jewish fragility if someone replaced all of Noel’s anti-White/anti-European statements with anti-jewish statements. Press S to spit on grave. S

    • Thanks for your input, “The Goyim Know.” Glad to see that Noel still bothers white supremacists from beyond the grave. Noel, like me, wanted a world beyond the division of humanity into various “races” and “peoples.” So yes, he absolutely was for an end to “the Jewish people” as a distinct subset of human beings. He preferred a world in which the distinction no longer mattered, in which we all could assert our common humanity regardless of our ancestors.

      • Noel Ignatiev, like most jewish supremacists, sought the complete destruction of western civilisation and the people responsible for creating it: the European people.

        The fact his work resonates with you would suggest you are also a jew.

  3. One Jewish supremacist less exploiting black people to foment hatred against white people in this world to, may his hateful soul RIP.

    • Noel was opposed to all forms of racial suprematism, and was an uncompromising critic of Jewish nationalism (particularly its Zionist variant). Fuck off, racist.

      • Only the race-obsessed racist supremacist call others racist, the ultimate weapon to psychological torture with impunity? If Noel really opposed racial supremacy, he wouldn’t talk about using blacks as a weapon to further the Jewish supremacist agenda of White genocide aka abolish whiteness. The word racist/racism invented by the Bolshevik communist barbarians Leon Trotsky et. al, people who considered themselves to a Superior Race/people had to come up with something to justify their bias and hatred of Christians in Europe.

  4. How appropriate that (((Noel Igatiev))) died of a blocked bowel. It was always known he was full of shit.

    Rest in piss, jew.

  5. Well, seems that a lot of nazioid trolls are particularly pissed off with Noel Ignatiev (Who I suppose have recently discovered ofter the news of his death) and his theoretical legacy… and (leaving aside disagreements that can exist at a given moment) it’s a good thing to see these reactions (mr Ignatiev must have hit a big nerve in their writings). As we say in Spain: ¡ha ha ha, a llorar, fachas!

  6. One of the original identity politickers. He, along with D. Roedinger, fetishsized “whiteness” into an evil that spawned the supposed “white supremacy” of the average European American, and all but ignored and undermined Allen main point that the “white race” was a program by masters to keep the people down, which is a key to ruling class domination.

    Keep the focus on race, not a system of oppression that affects EVERYONE.

  7. I tend to share your rejection of the Khazar-hypothesis Ross, but perhaps a bit inconsistent to have even been in debate about this with someone who rejects ethnicity/race (after all, then “Khazarian people” also didn’t exist, were simply “invented” as a people). Lassalle believed Jews were related to Turks (google Lassalle’s article in English online titled: “Constantinople in 1857”). Whereas Marx (probably half-jokingly) remarked that Lassalle’s Jewfro-hair was a legacy of Moses’s marriage to a Midianite.

    Btw, do you know of any Marxist review/critique of the movie Alien Nation (1988, starring James Caan and Mandy Patinkin)? It’s perhaps infused with some moralistic lesson of identity politics in the 1980s era, and surely all too cringe now (comparing immigrants to actual aliens).

  8. “Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.” Oh yes ! Rest In Peace Noel Ignatiev : I didn’t know you but I’m yours sincerely. Fuck all the fascist, nazi and white supremacist scum.

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