In memoriam: Zaha Hadid, 1950-2016

It would be disingenuous for me to claim I was an admirer of Hadid’s oeuvre. Doubtless she was an important figure within contemporary architecture, and in many ways a pioneer. Continue reading

Современная архитектура: Organ of architectural modernism in the Soviet Union, 1926-1930

Architects of OSA, who publish the very well-edited periodical SA, set themselves the task to achieve a communist architecture based on a functional, elementary construction. Continue reading

Stuttgart-Weißenhof, 1927: Modern architecture comes into its own

Van Doesburg wrote of Weißenhof’s functionalist origins: “Principally this trend came from Russia, and concurs with the communist philosophy of life.” Indeed, the Nazis would denounce the settlement ten years later for its “Bolshevik depravity.” Continue reading

The life and works of the Marxist art historian Meyer Schapiro

Confrontation with Jacques Derrida, visits with Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Claude Lévi-Strauss. Recollections of Robert Motherwell, Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno, André Breton, and correspondence with Trotsky. Continue reading

The historical project

History is the fruit of a repression, a negation. The problem is to make of that negation a determinate abstraction, give direction to theoretical work. Not by chance does Marx employ abstraction for the analysis of political economy. Continue reading

There is no criticism, only history

One of the greatest problems of our day is dealing with the uncontrollable acceleration of time, a process that began with 19th-century industrializations; it keeps continually disposing of things in expectation of the future. Continue reading

Mikhail Barshch’s housing-communes in Moscow 1928-1930

Karel Teige The Minimum Dwelling (1931) . Currently, the functions and dimensions of the jačejka as a new housing type are widely discussed in the USSR under the heading of the obshchezhitie [collective living] versus the dom-komuna. The collective house … Continue reading