Many thanks to for making available the following major works of the famed Russian avant-garde architect Iakov Chernikhov, which I have converted into PDF form and rendered searchable:
Thank you so much, this is beyond fantastic. I’ve been looking for these books for ages! Alas I cannot read russian, but still…
Your efforts with this blog are appreciated, for a lot of information like this is really hard to find these days. If only it was possible to get high-quality scans, or even a reprint! So much out-of-print literature kept away in private collections and libraries…
I haven’t heard from you in awhile. How’re you doing?
Thank you so much, this is beyond fantastic. I’ve been looking for these books for ages! Alas I cannot read russian, but still…
Your efforts with this blog are appreciated, for a lot of information like this is really hard to find these days. If only it was possible to get high-quality scans, or even a reprint! So much out-of-print literature kept away in private collections and libraries…
the 101 architectural fantasies link is dead, could you repost it if possible or could you help with another source cheers!