Happy New Year from the Charnel-House.
2015 was a fairly shit year. Lemmy died, and yet another Star Wars movie came out, so right off the bat you know it’s awful. Add to that the terror attacks in Paris, Beirut, Colorado, California, throughout Nigeria, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, the list goes on and on. Plus rising xenophobia and outright racism in Europe and the United States, where cops seem to be shooting unarmed black kids on a weekly basis.
I guess Stephen Curry’s MVP season, culminating in a Finals victory over Lebron, mitigated things somewhat, made the year a little more worthwhile. Only somewhat, though.
We are insufficiently gripped by the terror of existence.
Regardless, start the year off right with some high-quality “pirate scab versions” of commie e-books and PDFs. First of all, more or less all of the books published in the Historical Materialism series. But also 365 different author folders, one for each day of 2016. It seems that butthurt from one of the prime movers at Verso and HM has already commenced, and so he’s issued a middle school “him or me” ultimatum.
Of course, I don’t begrudge anyone who would defriend me or badmouth me for careerist reasons, because the sacred principles of #getpaid and #mansgottaeat override everything. You can’t be blamed the guy acts like a teenager, or that he can only tolerate suck-ups and sycophants. Just enjoy the free books. Anyway, most of these are in English, but the Hero of Labor who uploaded these tells me other languages could be provided as well. Also included are some worthwhile reactionaries like Michels, Pareto, and de Maistre, and some liberal thinkers from the era of bourgeois revolutions.
Note: If you’re not familiar with MEGA, the way downloads work can be kind of confusing. When you click on a given file, it goes to “transfers,” which then usually saves to your desktop. But there should be a gear in the lower left hand side which allows you to specify where everything is saved.
- Adorno, Theodor
- Althusser, Louis
- Anderson, Perry
- Antal, Frederick
- Anweiler, Oskar
- Ariès, Philippe
- Arnold, Matthew
- Aron, Raymond
- Arrighi, Giovanni
- Arrivé, Michel
- Avrich, Paul
- Axelos, Kostas
- Balázs, Béla
- Bauer, Otto
- Bauman, Zygmunt
- Baumgarten, Alexander
- Bazin, Andre
- Beaud, Michel
- Bebel, August
- Benjamin, Walter
- Benveniste, Emile
- Benz, Ernst
- Berardi, Franco
- Berdiaev, Nikolai
- Bishop, Claire
- Bloch, Ernst
- Bogdanov, Aleksandr
- Boltanski, Luc
- Bolzano, Bernard
- Bon, Wilfred R.
- Bonefeld, Werner
- Borkenau, Franz
- Borochov, Ber
- Braembussche, Antoon Van den
- Bricanier, Serge
- Brown, Wendy
- Bruckner, Pascal
- Brudney, Daniel
- Brunhoff, Suzanne de
- Bruno, Giordano
- Buchloh, Benjamin
- Buci-Glucksmann, Christine
- Buck-Morss, Susan
- Bühler, Karl
- Bulgakov, Sergei
- Bull, Malcolm
- Burke, Kenneth
- Burlamaqui, Jean-Jacques
- Cacciari, Massimo
- Campanella, Tommaso
- Carr, Edward Hallett
- Cassel, Gustav
- Cassirer, Ernst
- Castoriadis, Cornelius
- Cavarrero, Adriana
- Cavendish, Margaret
- Cicero, Marcus Tullius
- Cioran, Emil
- Cixous, Hélène
- Clark, T.J.
- Clausewitz, Carl von
- Claussen, Detlev
- Cohen, Hermann
- Cohn-Bendit, Daniel
- Coke, Sir Edward
- Colletti, Lucio
- Crary, Jonathan
- Critique of Value
- Curtius, Ernst Robert
- Cusset, François
- D’Emilio, John
- Dalla Costa, Mariarosa
- Damisch, Hubert
- Darvas, György
- Dastur, Françoise
- Daughters of Karl Marx
- Dauvé, Gilles
- De Felice, Renzo
- de Polignac, François
- Debord, Guy
- Deleuze, Gilles
- Delphy, Christine
- Derrida, Jacques
- Didi-Huberman, Georges
- Dolar, Mladen
- Dosse, François
- Douglass, Frederick
- Douzinas, Costas
- Dubbini, Renzo
- Duménil, Gérard and Lévy, Dominique
- Dumezil, Georges
- Durkheim, Emile
- Dyer-Witherford, Nick
- Eco, Umberto
- Einzig, Paul
- Eldred, Michael
- Ellul, Jacques
- Ernst, Wolfgang
- Etkind, Alexander
- Fanon, Frantz
- Fassin, Didier
- Febvre, Lucien
- Federici, Silvia
- Fehér, Ferenc
- Fenichel, Otto
- Ferenczi, Sandor
- Ferraris, Maurizio
- Ferro, Marc
- Fetscher, Iring
- Feuerbach, Ludwig
- Feyerabend, Paul
- Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
- Fields, Barbara J.
- Figal, Günther
- Filtzer, Donald
- Fink, Eugen
- Finley, Moses
- Fisher, Mark
- Flusser, Vilém
- Fortunati, Leopoldina
- Foucault, Michel
- Frank, Andre Gunder
- Frank, Manfred
- Fraser, Nancy
- Freud, Sigmund
- Friedell, Egon
- Friedländer, Saul
- Frye, Northrop
- Fülöp-Miller, René
- Gabrieli, Francesco
- Gesell, Silvio
- Getzler, Israel
- Geuss, Raymond
- Ginzburg, Carlo
- Gobetti, Piero
- Godelier, Maurice
- Graziani, Augusto
- Greenberg, Clement
- Grossmann, Henryk
- Groys, Boris
- Hadot, Pierre
- Hamacher, Werner
- Hamann, Johann Georg
- Hamilton, Alexander
- Harootunian, Harry
- Haug, Frigga
- Hauser, Arnold
- Hazan, Eric
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
- Heidelberger, Michael
- Heineccius, Johann Gottlieb
- Heinrich, Michael
- Heller, Ágnes
- Henrich, Dieter
- Henry, Michel
- Herbrand, Jacques
- Herder, Johann Gottfried
- Herzen, Aleksandr
- Hess, Moses
- Heynen, Hilde
- Historical Materialism
- Høffding, Harald
- Honneth, Axel
- Horkheimer, Max
- Howard, Dick
- Huizinga, Johan
- Hyppolite, Jean
- Irigaray, Luce (lol)
- Itoh, Makoto
- Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich
- Jacoby, Russell
- Jakobson, Roman
- James, C.L.R.
- Jameson, Fredric
- Jangfeldt, Bengt
- Jappe, Anselm
- Jaurès, Jean
- Johnston, Adrian
- Joravsky, David
- Josephus, Flavius
- Kant, Immanuel
- Karatani, Kojin
- Kautsky, Karl
- Kelsen, Hans
- Kessler, Mario
- Khlebnikov, Velimir
- Kirchheimer, Otto
- Kittler, Friedrich
- Klossowski, Pierre
- Kluge, Alexander
- Koestler, Arthur
- Kofman, Sarah
- Köhler, Joachim
- Korkunov, Nikolai
- Korsch, Karl
- Koselleck, Reinhart
- Kowalik, Tadeusz
- Koyré, Alexandre
- Kracauer, Siegfried
- Kraus, Karl
- Krause, Ulrich
- Krauss, Rosalind
- Krausz, Tamás
- Kristeva, Julia
- Kun, Béla
- Labica, Georges
- Landauer, Gustav
- Lapidus, Ira
- Laplanche, Jean
- Laruelle, Francois
- Lazzarato, Maurizio
- LeBlanc, Paul
- Lecourt, Dominique
- Lefebvre, Georges
- Lefebvre, Henri
- Leon, Abram
- Leroi-Gourhan, André
- Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
- Levine, Norman
- Lewin, Moshe
- Lichtheim, George
- Lifshitz, Mikhail
- Lih, Lars T.
- Losurdo, Domenico
- Lotman, Iurii
- Löwenthal, Leo
- Ludovisi, Stephano Giacchetti
- Lukács, Georg
- Luxemburg, Rosa
- Macherey, Pierre
- Machiavelli, Niccolò di Bernardo dei
- Maiakovskii, Vladimir
- Maimon, Salomon
- Maistre, Joseph de
- Makhno, Nestor
- Malatesta, Errico
- Malraux, André
- Mandel, Ernest
- Marazzi, Christian
- Marcuse, Herbert
- Márkus, György
- Marshall, Alfred
- Martin, Alfred Wilhelm Otto von
- Martin, Jean-Clet
- Marx, Karl
- Masaryk, Tomas
- Mauss, Marcel
- Mayer, Arno
- Mbembe, Achille
- McClellan, David
- Mehring, Franz
- Meillassoux, Quentin
- Mendelssohn, Moses
- Menger, Carl
- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
- Mersch, Dieter
- Mészáros, István
- Michel, Louise
- Michels, Robert
- Michelstaedter, Carlo
- Mitchell, Juliet
- Nietzsche, Friedrich
- Paine, Thomas
- Pareto, Vilfredo
- Pashukanis, Evgenii
- Patočka, Jan
- Pêcheux, Michel
- Peeters, Benoît
- Pippin, Robert
- Pirani, Simon
- Pirenne, Henri
- Postone, Moishe
- Propp, Vladimir
- Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph
- Read, Chrisopher
- Reclus, Elisée
- Ree, Paul
- Reed, Adolph
- Reich, Wilhelm
- Reiche, Reimut
- Reinhold, Karl Leonard
- Ricardo, David
- Riedel, Manfred
- Ritter, Joachim
- Ritter, Johann Wilhelm
- Rochefoucauld, François de la
- Rodinson, Maxime
- Rosa, Hartmut
- Rosdolskii, Roman
- Rose, Gillian
- Rosenberg, Arthur
- Rosenzweig, Franz
- Roudinesco, Elisabeth
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
- Rubin, Isaak
- Rudas, László
- Safouan, Moustafa
- Safranski, Rüdiger
- Salecl, Renata
- Salmon, Lucy Maynard
- Sanos, Sandrine
- Santucci, Antonio A.
- Sartre, Jean-Paul
- Sassoon, Anne Showstack
- Schaff, Adam
- Schapiro, Meyer
- Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von
- Schlegel, Friedrich
- Schumpeter, Joseph
- Scolari, Massimo
- Screpanti, Ernesto
- Sebbah, François-David
- Serge, Victor
- Sewell, William
- Shaftesbury (Lord Anthony Ashley-Cooper)
- Shelley, Percy Bysshe
- Sieburg, Friedrich
- Sieyès, Emmanuel Joseph
- Simmel, Georg
- Skocpol, Theda
- Sohn-Rethel, Alfred
- Soloviev, Vladimir
- Steger, Manfred
- Sternhall, Zeev
- Stiegler, Bernard
- Stites, Richard
- Struik, Dirk J.
- Suvin, Darko
- Szabó, Ervin
- Tamás, G.M.
- Teige, Karel
- Ten Brink, Tobias
- Teschke, Benno
- Teyssot, Georges
- The Invisible Committee
- Theunissen, Michael
- Thomasius, Christian
- Tocqueville, Alexis de
- Tőkei, Ferenc
- Toscano, Alberto
- Tracy, Destutt
- Traverso, Enzo
- Trotsky, Leon
- Troyat, Henri
- Tyler, Imogen
- Vaihinger, Hans
- Vaneigem, Raoul
- Vasari
- Vattel, Emer de
- Vázquez, Adolfo Sánchez
- Vernant, Jean-Pierre
- Vertov, Dziga
- Vogl, Joseph
- Voloshinov, Valentin
- Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet)
- Weydemeyer, Joseph
- Wilson, Edmund
- Wittfogel, Karl August
- Wollstonecraft, Mary
- Wood, Ellen Meiksins
- Worringer, Wilhelm
- Zamiatin, Evgenii
- Zelený, Jindřich
- Zetkin, Clara
- Zieleniec, Andrzej
- Zielinski, Siegfried
Many thanks for the excellent information.
Lets hope that 2016 will be less disastrous,more compassion, gratitude and love,
LLeni PachDate: Sat, 2 Jan 2016 05:16:04 +0000
To: llenipach@hotmail.com
no zizek, no problem!
I can’t get most of these to work, especially the larger ones. I’m not sure what the problem is…
Fixed it. Everything OK now. Thanks so much.
Can you please provide the torrent version or a link to download all instead one by one? Thank you very much.
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no, postone big problem! Torrent please!
. . . and on the 272nd day, . . .
Just in case anyone took that claim on trust.
#30, the Wilfred, is Bion (not Bon: which is . . .);
#252, Meillassoux, also includes, as one would expect, Claude as well as Quentin;
#343, Trotsky, has all his external exile writings, 1929-40 (which will please Pathfinder, who have consistently refused re-publishing requests by, amongst others, Marxists Internet Archive (marxists.org));
# [can’t locate right now], has Lenin Reloaded, a nice touch, not least for the pic of Vlad looking like John Berger; this is just one of the links where there’s a surprise.
Thanks so much for all this, Ross. Without it, this week I wouldn’t have been able to have used the interview of Iring Fetscher by Kevin Anderson. Easy availability has its utility; in terms of copyright possibly funding other books that would otherwise not be published, I often think people might benefit from pausing & properly understanding what’s already out there. More often than we think, the last thing people need is a new title.
The Hero of Socialist Labour is indeed saluted! For more Stakhanovist competition! Onward march, copyleft, not copyright!
Torrent please!
Just love that 24 hours touch.
They certainly reach you more than the Eton Wall Game at British Public schools.
Are you still there Ross or are you Blogging from the inner circle of Hell?
Another batch of texts from Ellen Meiksins Wood who, sadly, passed away today.
Thanks, comrade.
Yesterday Brenner & McNally spoke about Ellen Wood & her work for over half an hour on Suzi Weissman’s ‘Beneath the Surface’ radio programme, KPFK:
Our friends at Verso gave an audio link (but now it doesn’t seem to be there) to the Ellen Wood seminar they organised in November with Birkbeck & Sussex Univ. :
http://media.bloomsburymediacloud.org/media/ellen-meiksinswoods-symposium (over 3hrs)
Can someone please upload a torrent? I downloaded the first 200 items on the list and found that all the zips somehow were corrupted. I’m sure it’s a bug with how Chrome downloads from Mega because batches of about 4 and 4 files were exactly the same size. Thanks!
Firefox, comrade.
Also, thank you, Charnel-House!
One problem appears to be with special characters ?()” etc. If I doubleclick the individual work it will download clean with the special character stripped from the name. Putting them into the zip file seems to be the problem.
I also ran into trouble having multiple downloads going at once so you might want to do things one at a time.
Check to make sure if there are 25 works that all 25 are on your computer before moving on. Sometimes it just leaves out the bad ones instead of sending a corrupted file. I don’t understand why.
Also there are some identically named works. Inside the zip it’s fine but when you go to move them your computer will naturally complain. See Hubert Damisch – Five Notes for a Phenomenology of the Photographic Image. Looks like one with a cover page and one without but I didn’t read enough to know if maybe one was a later cleaned up version.
Thanks. Sometimes I feel people forget what socialism was about.
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Bless you for existing. Signed, Eileen Joy, Director, punctum books
Thanks for sharing, but Emil Cioran was not Marxist. In fact, he tremendously sympathized the Romanian right wing legion, writing fascist antisemitic articles during the 30s. It was he who betrayed Benjamin Fondane, who got to Auschwitz etc. etc.
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Comrade: Thanks for Borochov s Book! How did you get it?
Thanks for Borochov s book! How did you get it? Do you have more?
Please dont answer the two questions. You never know who are watching us. But thanks for Borochov s book! Im moved! If there is anything I can do to help your blog please let me know it