Moscow is a factory for making plans, the Promised Land of technicians (without a Klondike). The country is being equipped!
— Le Corbusier, “The Atmosphere of Moscow” (1930)
This post includes pictures of Le Corbusier traveling in the USSR, attending conferences, building sites, and on one of Eisenstein’s movie sets (for The Old and the New).

Le Corbusier unveiling the model of his proposal for the Palace of the Soviets (1931)

Model of Le Corbusier’s proposal for the Palace of the Soviets (1931)

Le Corbusier inspecting the building site for his Tsentrosoiuz projects (1930)

Le Corbusier with builders working on his Tsentrosoiuz projects (1930)

Urbanistic overview of Le Corbusier’s plans for the Palace of the Soviets (1931)

Le Corbusier with Sergei Eisenstein and Andrei Burov (1928)

Le Corbusier sitting with Soviet modernist architect Andrei Burov (1928)

Le Corbusier working with an assistant in modeling his Palace of the Soviets proposal (1930)

Le Corbusier sitting in front of the construction site for the Tsentrosoiuz building (March 1931)

Le Corbusier standing in front of a traditional wooden Russian peasant house (1928)

Model of Le Corbusier’s proposal for the Palace of the Soviets competition (1931)

Le Corbusier standing next to a Russian peasant woman (1928)

Model of Le Corbusier and Nikolai Kolli’s Tsentrosoiuz (completed 1933)

Le Corbusier and Nikolai Kolli, Tsentrosoiuz (completed 1933)

Le Corbusier’s Palace of the Soviets (1931)

Le Corbusier’s Palace of the Soviets (1931)

Le Corbusier’s Palace of the Soviets (1931)

Interior to Le Corbusier’s Palace of the Soviets (1931)
With lightning telegrams:
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