The Vesnin brothers’ Likachev Palace of Culture (ZIL) in Moscow, 1930-1936 Posted by Ross Wolfe 9 The Vesnin brothers’ ZIL Palace of Culture in Moscow, 1931Conference room inside the Vesnin brothers’ ZIL Palace of Culture in Moscow, 1931. The Vesnin brothers’ ZIL Palace of Culture in Moscow, 1931 Conference room inside the Vesnin brothers’ ZIL Palace of Culture in Moscow, 1931. With lightning telegrams:FacebookTwitterTumblrMoreRedditPinterestLike this:Like Loading...
Rare photos! Never seen theater interior, it was changed in 70-s Here my report about exterior of this building in 2013: Loading... Reply
Thank you for sharing these wonderful, inspirational images with us!
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Rare photos! Never seen theater interior, it was changed in 70-s
Here my report about exterior of this building in 2013:
Pingback: Sochi and the Soviet Constructivism | Homo Ludditus
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