0 thoughts on “The Nineteenth-Century Family

  1. Who is this family? What are their names? When I first saw this photo, I was stunned! I could see the horror of being so poor and how hard it was on this mother having to make it through each day trying just to feed these children. Did the father die? Did he abandon them? This photo makes you want to know her story of her life, did it ever improve? Did her children have better lives. I looked at the oldest boy, and thought….from being so poor and needy, did it make him want to work so hard, and make it in society! This photo grabs your heart and it also makes you so thankful of how I myself grew up never wanting for anything. Every mother only wants the best for her children. When she first started out, she did not think she would end up like this. Who was the photographer of this timeframe that could even get her to sit for this photo, considering her situation? Also, is this the US or in Europe somewhere?

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